Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

notebook murah satellite

Did you ever try and do a search notebook murah of files in a directory or a hard drive the size of very large? May also try to find a file that has initials in the name of a shared folder containing thousands and even millions of files? How can you find the file you want quickly?

Using the search facility notebook murah which is packed into the Windows certainly will be felt long sanagat. Using a third-party programs such as Google Desktop can be used as an alternative notebook murah but more effective for long-term use. If you need to quickly find the file in the directory that is very large notebook murah wait one hour before the finish of Google Desktop to index the entire directory is not the optimal solution.

Index Your Files (IYF) is an alternative program that allows you to quickly find files in all local or network drive. Not only fast notebook murah but also portable. Simply copy the master file to a USB drive and do a search immediately. Very suitable for the office environment that is connected to the network notebook murah leave the IYF to index all the files on the computer notebook murah then connect the USB drive into any computer to perform instant searches.

This program will use the index stored in the USB drive when first used notebook murah so the search results will be found immediately. IYF will automatically update the index periodically during use.
IYF has two tabs notebook murah namely "Search" and "Index". First click on the "Index" and select "Yes" when asked whether you want to create a new database index.

Click the "Browse" and select the drive or folder that you want to index. You can make more than one index notebook murah it is advisable to create a file index for each folder or drive.

After creating the index of all configuration notebook murah click "Start Index" button at the bottom of the left.

The index will begin the process and you can see his status on the right side of the screen. The status of "Idle" indicates that the index has been completed. In the "Properties" You will see the total number of items in the index notebook murah the time and size.

Now go to the Search tab and type of files that you want to search. You can search by file name notebook murah file type notebook murah date notebook murah size notebook murah and also search for words in the file. You can also use boolean operators (AND notebook murah OR) in the search.

IYF is very fast and very compact in size compared with other programs. You can easily run it on a USB flash drive the size of less than 2GB. You can also do the export and import Index.


Unknown mengatakan...

MApir ke blog ku donksss!!!!!!!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

Bagus banget blog kamu...

Anonim mengatakan...

mampir juga ke "rumahku" ya bos,....

Anonim mengatakan...

gak mudeng neh bos, he he

Anonim mengatakan...

Mas! Aku dah pasang banner link sampeyan di my blog. Haraf link balik. Thanks, sebelum & sesudahnya.

Pasa Firaya, ST mengatakan...

Berkunjung dan baca infonya, sukses ya, I Like Relationship.

dhimas mengatakan...

bagus bos, tipnya ok punyantuh, bos tolong barner yg diatas bisa dikecilin dikit dong coz judul postya 'ngak kelihata nich
world healthy

penerjemah mengatakan...

sipp... nice post

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trima kasih.... ilmunya !

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bagus sekali nih infonya makasih banyak ya !!

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mampir gan

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Unknown mengatakan...

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